Package it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Model

package it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Model
  • Class
    Game's Board
    Board Spaces
    Test of Board class
    This class represents the Common Goal cards, thanks to which players may grant points, achieving a specific pattern
    Test for CommonGoalCard class
    ScoreCard with value 1 for the first player who completely fills his/her shelf
    This class contains general information about the current game, such as CommonGoalCards and number of Players.
    This class represents all the ObjectCards' definition methods
    Object Cards randomization tests
    This enumeration represents types of ObjectCards
    This class represents the Personal Goal cards, thanks to which players may grant points if they match the pattern with the corresponding ObjectCards
    Tests of Personal Goal Cards
    This class represent all player's info and finalize shelf insertion and score update operation
    Model object Player's test
    Final Game's Scoreboard
    Objective ScoreCards implementation
    General JSON serialization tests
    Player's Shelf
    Player's Shelf tests