Coverage Summary for Class: GameController (it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Controller)
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GameController |
package it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Controller;
import it.polimi.ingsw.Common.*;
import it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Model.*;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.*;
* This class represents the controller, which manages the logic of the game, such as login, turn management, chat.
public class GameController {
* Lobby where players wait until the start of the game
private final List<String> lobby;
* Controller's identifier
private final String identifier;
* Game instance associated to the Controller
private Game game = null;
* Player who is playing his/her turn at this very moment
private Player activePlayer = null;
* Maximum number of Players accepted in a game
private int maxPlayers;
* This attribute indicates if a game has been re-entered after a disconnection of the server or not
private boolean refreshed = false;
* This attribute indicates a map where are stored pairs of CommonGoalCard and its relative ScoreCard
private Map<ScoreCard, CommonGoalCard> lastTurnScores;
* GameController creator
* @param identifier ID of this Controller
public GameController(String identifier) {
lobby = new ArrayList<>();
this.identifier = identifier;
this.lastTurnScores = new HashMap<>();
* Related to Game's refresh strategy
private GameController(List<String> lobby, String identifier, Game game, Player activePlayer, int maxPlayers, boolean refreshed, Map<ScoreCard, CommonGoalCard> lastTurnScores) {
this.lobby = lobby;
this.identifier = identifier; = game;
this.activePlayer = activePlayer;
this.maxPlayers = maxPlayers;
this.refreshed = refreshed;
this.lastTurnScores = lastTurnScores;
* getter method for the Game Identifier
* @return Game's identifier
public String getIdentifier() {
return identifier;
* This method accepts a new Player in the lobby, if his/her nickname is a regular expression of alphanumeric strings and if the number of
* players waiting in the lobby is less than the maxPlayers number, chosed by the first player
* @param nickname nickname chosen by the player
* @param maxPlayers maximum number of players chosen by the first player
* @return true if the player has been accepted, false otherwise
* @throws Exception if prepareGame() or newPlayer() return an Exception
public boolean acceptPlayer(String nickname, int maxPlayers) throws Exception {
if (refreshed)
return false;
if (game != null && lobby.size() >= game.getMaxPlayers())
return false;
// Regular expression of alphanumeric strings
if (!nickname.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") || nickname.length() < 3 || lobby.contains(nickname.toLowerCase()) || lobby.contains(nickname.toUpperCase()))
return false;
else {
if (lobby.isEmpty()) {
if (maxPlayers >= 2 && maxPlayers <= 4) {
game = new Game(identifier, maxPlayers);
this.maxPlayers = maxPlayers;
} else return false;
} else {
Player p = game.newPlayer(nickname);
if (lobby.size() == game.getMaxPlayers()) {
activePlayer = game.getPlayers().get(0);
return true;
* getter method for lobby
* @return List of nicknames (players who are waiting in the lobby)
public List<String> getLobby() {
return lobby;
* getter method for MaxPlayers
* @return maxPlayers
public int getMaxPlayers() {
return maxPlayers;
* This method indicates if the game is prepared
* @return false if the game doesn't exist or the game isn't prepared, true otherwise
public boolean isGamePrepared() {
if (game == null)
return false;
else return game.isPrepared();
* getter method for GameBoard
* @return Board interface if game isn't null, null otherwise
* @throws RemoteException related to RMI
public BoardInterface getGameBoard() throws RemoteException {
if (!(game == null))
return game.getBoard();
else return null;
* getter method for Shelf
* @param nickname player's nickname
* @return Shelf interface of the player with this nickname (if game isn't null), null otherwise
public ShelfInterface getShelf(String nickname) {
if (!(game == null))
return game.getShelfInterfaceFromNickname(nickname);
else return null;
* getter method for PersonalGoalCard
* @param nickname player's nickname
* @return PersonalGoalCard interface of the player with this nickname (if game isn't null), null otherwise
public PersonalGoalCardInterface getPersonalGoalCard(String nickname) {
if (!(game == null))
return game.getPersonalGoalCardInterfaceFromNickname(nickname);
else return null;
* getter method for CommonGoalCards
* @return List of CommonGoalCard interface if game isn't null, null otherwise
public List<CommonGoalCardInterface> getCommonGoalCards() {
if (!(game == null))
return game.getCommonGoalCards();
else return null;
* @param nickname Player's nickname
* @return Player's obtained ScoreCards
public Stack<ScoreCard> getScoreCardsFromNickname(String nickname) {
if (!(game == null))
return game.getScoreCardsFromNickname(nickname);
else return null;
* This method returns a list of nicknames of the players, who are playing a game (if game isn't null), null otherwise
* @return a list of player's nicknames
public List<String> nicknames() {
if (game == null)
return null;
else return game.nicknames();
* getter method for ScoreBoard
* @return null if game is null, Scoreboard otherwise
public Scoreboard getScoreboard() {
if (game == null)
return null;
else return game.getScoreboard();
* getter method for MoveIntermediate
* @param nickname player's nickname
* @return MoveIntermediateInterface
* @throws RemoteException related to RMI
public MoveIntermediateInterface getMoveIntermediate(String nickname) throws RemoteException {
return new MoveIntermediate(game.getBoard(), game.getShelfFromNickname(nickname), this, game.getPlayerFromNickname(nickname));
* Getter method for activePlayer
* @return activePlayer
public Player getActivePlayer() {
return activePlayer;
* This method manages turn evolution during the game. Turn order is decided in class Game.
private void nextPlayer() {
if (activePlayer == null) {
activePlayer = game.getPlayers().get(0);
} else {
if (lastTurnScores != null) {
lastTurnScores = activePlayer.getLastAchieved();
Map<Integer, Player> players = game.getPlayers();
activePlayer = players.get((players.entrySet()
.filter(entry -> activePlayer.equals(entry.getValue()))
.orElseThrow() + 1) % players.size());
* getter method for LastTurnScores (if a player has achieved a CommonGoal)
* @return a map of ScoreCard and CommonGoalCard
public Map<ScoreCard, CommonGoalCard> getLastTurnScores() {
Map<ScoreCard, CommonGoalCard> temp = new HashMap<>();
if (lastTurnScores != null) {
for (ScoreCard sc : lastTurnScores.keySet()) {
temp.put(sc, lastTurnScores.get(sc));
return temp;
return null;
* This method manages the move m, decided by the Player
* @param m Move
* @return true if move has been correctly accomplished, false otherwise
* @throws Exception if updateScore() in gameComplete() throws an Exception
public boolean make(Move m) throws Exception {
if (activePlayer.isInGame()) {
if (m.take()) {
if ( {
if (game.checkEndGame(activePlayer)) {
for (Player p : game.getPlayers().values()) {
if (p.equals(activePlayer)) {
} else
if (game.gameComplete()) {
return true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
} else return false;
* Getter method for isGameEnded
* @return true if the game has ended, false otherwise
public boolean isGameEnded() {
if (game == null)
return false;
else return game.isGameEnded();
* this method indicates if the game is completed
* @return false if game is null or isn't completed, true otherwise
public boolean isGameComplete() {
if (game == null)
return false;
else try {
return game.gameComplete();
} catch (Exception ignored) {
return false;
* getter method for PlayerByNickname
* @param nickname player's nickname
* @return player recognized by his nickname
public Player getPlayerByNickname(String nickname) {
return game.getPlayerFromNickname(nickname);
* Objects refresh following a game reloaded from a persistency file
* @return the refreshed controller
* @throws RemoteException Related to RMI
public GameController refreshEntities() throws RemoteException {
refreshed = true; = game.refreshEntities();
this.activePlayer = game.getPlayers()
.filter(p -> p.getNickname().equals(activePlayer.getNickname()))
if (lastTurnScores != null && !lastTurnScores.isEmpty())
this.lastTurnScores = new HashMap<>(this.lastTurnScores);
else this.lastTurnScores = new HashMap<>();
return new GameController(this.lobby, this.identifier,, this.activePlayer, this.maxPlayers, this.refreshed, this.lastTurnScores);
* Game's re-entering strategy (related to a game reloaded from a persistency file)
* @param nickname of the player
* @return completion of the admission phase
public boolean reEnterGame(String nickname) {
if (game != null) {
if (refreshed && !lobby.contains(nickname) && nicknames().contains(nickname)) {
if (lobby.size() == this.getMaxPlayers())
refreshed = false;
return true;
return false;