Coverage Summary for Class: Game (it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Model)
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Game |
package it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Model;
import it.polimi.ingsw.Common.CommonGoalCardInterface;
import it.polimi.ingsw.Common.PersonalGoalCardInterface;
import it.polimi.ingsw.Common.ShelfInterface;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.*;
* This class contains general information about the current game, such as CommonGoalCards and number of Players.
public class Game {
* final attribute, which indicates the maximum number of players who can join a game
public final int MAX_PLAYERS = 4;
* Identifier is the game id. It is chosen by the first player, who joins the game, and it can be used by other players to
* join a pre-existing game
private final String identifier;
* Map used to store Players, associated to an Integer key, which indicates their position in the game
private final Map<Integer, Player> players;
* Number of players, chosen by the first player, when he/she creates a new game
private final int maxPlayers;
* List of personalCards associated to each player
private final List<PersonalGoalCard> personalCards;
* Game scoreboard
private Scoreboard scoreboard = null;
* board used in the game
private Board board;
* number of players who have already joined the game
private int playerCount;
* It's the first CommonGoalCard drawn for the game
private CommonGoalCard cgCard1;
* It's the second CommonGoalCard drawn for the game
private CommonGoalCard cgCard2;
* Object Cards extracted in the related game
private List<ObjectCard> objectCards;
* this attribute is true if a player has already filled his/her shelf, false otherwise
private boolean gameEnded = false;
* this attribute is true if the game has started
private boolean prepared = false;
* game constructor
* @param identifier ID of the game, chosen by the Player who creates the game
* @param maxPlayers maximum number of players, who can join the game (chosen by the first player)
* @throws Exception if the maximum number of players is higher than the MAX_PLAYERS number
public Game(String identifier, int maxPlayers) throws Exception {
if (maxPlayers > MAX_PLAYERS)
throw new Exception();
this.identifier = identifier;
this.maxPlayers = maxPlayers;
this.players = new HashMap<>();
this.objectCards = new ArrayList<>();
this.board = new Board(maxPlayers, objectCards);
this.personalCards = new ArrayList<>();
this.gameEnded = false;
* Related to Game's refresh strategy
public Game(String identifier, Map<Integer, Player> players, int maxPlayers, List<PersonalGoalCard> personalCards, Scoreboard scoreboard, Board board, int playerCount, CommonGoalCard cgCard1, CommonGoalCard cgCard2, List<ObjectCard> objectCards, boolean gameEnded, boolean prepared) {
this.identifier = identifier;
this.players = players;
this.maxPlayers = maxPlayers;
this.personalCards = personalCards;
this.scoreboard = scoreboard;
this.board = board;
this.playerCount = playerCount;
this.cgCard1 = cgCard1;
this.cgCard2 = cgCard2;
this.objectCards = objectCards;
this.gameEnded = gameEnded;
this.prepared = prepared;
* Getter method for the board
* @return Board
public Board getBoard() {
return board;
* Getter method for the attribute, which indicates the maximum number of players, who can join the game
* @return maxPlayers
public int getMaxPlayers() {
return maxPlayers;
* Getter method for players. An integer is associated to each Player, who is playing the game
* @return a map of Players
public Map<Integer, Player> getPlayers() {
return players;
* This method adds a new player to "players" Map.
* @param newNickname player's nickname
* @return Player who's been added to players
* @throws RemoteException if the new instance of class Player hasn't been created
public Player newPlayer(String newNickname) throws RemoteException {
Player ret = new Player(newNickname);
players.put(playerCount++, ret);
return ret;
* getter method to recognize a player from nickname
* @param nickname player's nickname
* @return players if nickname != null, null otherwise
public Player getPlayerFromNickname(String nickname) {
if (nickname != null && players
.anyMatch(p -> p.getNickname().equals(nickname))) {
return players
.filter(p -> p.getNickname().equals(nickname))
} else return null;
* this method is a getter for the shelf interface obtained from nickname
* @param nickname player's nickname
* @return player's shelf interface
public ShelfInterface getShelfInterfaceFromNickname(String nickname) {
if (getPlayers()
.contains(nickname)) {
return getPlayers()
.filter(p -> p.getNickname().equals(nickname))
} else return null;
* this method is a getter of PersonalGoalCard obtained from nickname
* @param nickname player's nickname
* @return player's PersonalGoalCard
public PersonalGoalCardInterface getPersonalGoalCardInterfaceFromNickname(String nickname) {
if (getPlayers()
.contains(nickname)) {
return getPlayers()
.filter(p -> p.getNickname().equals(nickname))
} else return null;
* this method is a getter for CommonGoalCards
* @return a list of CommonGoalCards
public List<CommonGoalCardInterface> getCommonGoalCards() {
return Arrays.asList(cgCard1, cgCard2);
* this method is a getter for player's shelf obtained from nickname
* @param nickname player's nickname
* @return player's shelf
public Shelf getShelfFromNickname(String nickname) {
if (getPlayers()
.contains(nickname)) {
return getPlayers()
.filter(p -> p.getNickname().equals(nickname))
} else return null;
* this method is a getter for ScoreCards obtained from Nickname
* @param nickname player's nickname
* @return a stack of player's ScoreCard
public Stack<ScoreCard> getScoreCardsFromNickname(String nickname) {
if (getPlayers()
.contains(nickname)) {
return getPlayers()
.filter(p -> p.getNickname().equals(nickname))
} else return null;
* This method returns a list of nicknames of the players, who are playing a game (if game isn't null), null otherwise
* @return a list of player's nicknames
public List<String> nicknames() {
return getPlayers()
* This method includes setup procedures, such as drawing personal goal cards and common goal cards,
* choosing randomly the first player and placing ObjectCards on the board.
* @throws Exception if the number of drawn personal goal cards has exceeded the limit
public void prepareGame() throws Exception {
if (!prepared) {
if (personalCards.size() > PersonalGoalCard.LIMIT)
throw new Exception();
Random r = new Random();
int cardType1 = -1;
int cardType2 = -1;
while (cardType1 == cardType2) {
cardType1 = r.nextInt(1, CommonGoalCard.LIMIT + 1);
cardType2 = r.nextInt(1, CommonGoalCard.LIMIT + 1);
cgCard1 = new CommonGoalCard(cardType1, maxPlayers);
cgCard2 = new CommonGoalCard(cardType2, maxPlayers);
for (Integer index : players.keySet()) {
int personalType;
do {
personalType = r.nextInt(1, PersonalGoalCard.LIMIT + 1);
while (;
PersonalGoalCard pgc = new PersonalGoalCard(personalType);
new ArrayList<>(players.values()).get(index).setGameParameters(pgc, cgCard1, cgCard2, board);
List<Player> support = new ArrayList<>(players.values());
int counter = 0;
for (Player p : support) {
players.put(counter++, p);
prepared = true;
* This method indicates if the game is prepared
* @return true if the game is prepared, false otherwise
public boolean isPrepared() {
return prepared;
* This method checks if the active player has completely filled his/her shelf
* @param activePlayer represents the player who is playing in the current turn
* @return true if the player has filled all the spaces, false otherwise
* @throws Exception If the coordinates are invalid
public boolean checkEndGame(Player activePlayer) throws Exception {
if (gameEnded) {
return true;
if (activePlayer.getShelf().isFull()) {
this.gameEnded = true;
return true;
return false;
* This method is used for endgame procedures, such as final scoring.
* @return true if the game is completed, false otherwise
* @throws Exception if updateScore() throws an Exception
public boolean gameComplete() throws Exception {
if (gameEnded && players
.filter(x -> !x.isInGame())
.count() == playerCount) {
if (this.scoreboard == null) {
for (Player p : getPlayers().values()) {
Map<String, Integer> unsortedPointMap = players.entrySet()
e -> e.getValue().getNickname(),
e -> e.getValue().getScore()
this.scoreboard = new Scoreboard(unsortedPointMap);
return true;
} else return false;
* this method is a getter for attribute scoreboard
* @return scoreboard
public Scoreboard getScoreboard() {
return scoreboard;
* this method is a getter for attribute gameEnded
* @return true if game has ended, false otherwise
public boolean isGameEnded() {
return gameEnded;
* Objects refresh following a game reloaded from a persistency file
* @return the refreshed game
* @throws RemoteException Related to RMI
public Game refreshEntities() throws RemoteException {
this.board = board.getCopy();
this.objectCards = board.getObjectCards();
this.cgCard1 = cgCard1.getCopy();
this.cgCard2 = cgCard2.getCopy();
for (Player p : players.values()) {
p.refreshEntities(cgCard1, cgCard2);
return new Game(this.identifier, this.players, this.maxPlayers, this.personalCards, this.scoreboard, this.board, this.playerCount, this.cgCard1, this.cgCard2, this.objectCards, this.gameEnded, this.prepared);