Coverage Summary for Class: Player (it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Model)
Class |
Class, %
Method, %
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Player |
package it.polimi.ingsw.Server.Model;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.*;
* This class represent all player's info and finalize shelf insertion and score update operation
public class Player {
* Player's nickname
private final String nickname;
* List of ScoreCards achieved by the player
private final Stack<ScoreCard> scoreCards;
private final Map<ScoreCard, CommonGoalCard> lastAchieved;
* Player's position relative to the first player clockwise
private int position;
* Player's score
private int score;
* First common goal card reference
private CommonGoalCard cgCard1;
* Second common goal card reference
private CommonGoalCard cgCard2;
* Player's shelf reference
private Shelf shelf;
* Player's personal goal card
private PersonalGoalCard pgCard;
* Boolean attribute used to check player's presence in the ongoing game
private boolean inGame;
* Boolean attributes that indicate if one of the two common goals is achieved
private boolean achievedCG1, achievedCG2;
* Player's class constructor
* @param nickname (1st parameter)
* @param pgCard (2nd parameter)
* @param cgCard1 (3rd parameter)
* @param cgCard2 (4th parameter)
* @param position (5th parameter)
* @param board (6th parameter)
Player(String nickname, PersonalGoalCard pgCard, CommonGoalCard cgCard1, CommonGoalCard cgCard2, int position, Board board) throws RemoteException {
this.nickname = nickname;
this.score = 0;
this.inGame = true;
this.position = position;
this.cgCard1 = cgCard1;
this.cgCard2 = cgCard2;
this.shelf = new Shelf();
this.pgCard = pgCard;
this.achievedCG1 = false;
this.achievedCG2 = false;
this.scoreCards = new Stack<>();
this.lastAchieved = new HashMap<>();
* Player's class constructor
* @param nickname (1st parameter)
* @throws RemoteException related to RMI
public Player(String nickname) throws RemoteException {
this.nickname = nickname;
this.score = 0;
this.inGame = true;
this.shelf = new Shelf();
this.achievedCG1 = false;
this.achievedCG2 = false;
this.scoreCards = new Stack<>();
this.lastAchieved = new HashMap<>();
* Setter for initial Game parameters
* @param pgCard Personal Goal Card for the player
* @param cgCard1 First Common Goal Card for the game
* @param cgCard2 Second Common Goal Card for the game
* @param board Board for the game
public void setGameParameters(PersonalGoalCard pgCard, CommonGoalCard cgCard1, CommonGoalCard cgCard2, Board board) {
this.pgCard = pgCard;
this.cgCard1 = cgCard1;
this.cgCard2 = cgCard2;
* @return Player's nickname
public String getNickname() {
return nickname;
* This is a getter method for the position attribute
* @return int player's position
public int getPosition() {
return this.position;
* @param position Player's clockwise position in the game
public void setPosition(int position) {
this.position = position;
* This is a getter method for the score attribute
* @return int player's score
public int getScore() {
return this.score;
* This is a getter method for the shelf attribute
* @return Player's shelf
public Shelf getShelf() {
return this.shelf;
* This is a getter method for the PersonalGoalCard
* @return PersonalGoalCard
public PersonalGoalCard getPersonalGoalCard() {
return pgCard;
* This method updates player's score checking the possible point obtained from the common and personal goal cards
* @throws Exception related to Model management
public void updateScore() throws Exception {
ScoreCard s;
if (!achievedCG1) {
int memScore = this.score;
s = this.cgCard1.attribute(this.shelf);
this.score += s.getValue();
if (s.getValue() != 0) {
scoreCards.sort((o1, o2) ->, o1.getValue()));
lastAchieved.put(s, cgCard1);
if (memScore < this.score) this.achievedCG1 = true;
if (!achievedCG2) {
int memScore = score;
s = this.cgCard2.attribute(this.shelf);
this.score += s.getValue();
if (s.getValue() != 0) {
scoreCards.sort((o1, o2) ->, o1.getValue()));
lastAchieved.put(s, cgCard2);
if (memScore < this.score) this.achievedCG2 = true;
if (!isInGame()) {
this.score += shelf.evaluatePattern(this.pgCard);
this.score += shelf.finalEvaluation();
* This method returns player's game status
* @return boolean true if the player is still in game, false otherwise.
public boolean isInGame() {
return inGame;
* This method set the inGame parameter at false
public void setOutOfTurn() {
this.inGame = false;
* This method gives to the first player that has fulfilled the shelf an EndGameCard
* @throws RemoteException related to RMI
public void firstShelfFull() throws RemoteException {
EndGameCard s = new EndGameCard();
scoreCards.sort((o1, o2) ->, o1.getValue()));
* Refreshment strategy, related to persistency management strategy
* @param cgCard1 new Common Goal Card 1 object
* @param cgCard2 new Common Goal Card 2 object
* @throws RemoteException related to RMI
public void refreshEntities(CommonGoalCard cgCard1, CommonGoalCard cgCard2) throws RemoteException {
this.shelf = shelf.getCopy();
this.pgCard = pgCard.getCopy();
List<ScoreCard> iterCopy = new ArrayList<>(scoreCards);
for (ScoreCard sc : iterCopy) {
scoreCards.sort((o1, o2) ->, o1.getValue()));
this.cgCard1 = cgCard1;
this.cgCard2 = cgCard2;
* @return lastly achieved Common Goal Cards objectives
public Map<ScoreCard, CommonGoalCard> getLastAchieved() {
Map<ScoreCard, CommonGoalCard> temp = new HashMap<>(lastAchieved);
if (lastAchieved != null) {
return temp;
return null;
* @return Player's ScoreCards
public Stack<ScoreCard> getScoreCards() {
return scoreCards;